This painting illustrates an emotional journey of health through spiritual transformation.
The tiny black figure curled up in pain in the nautilus shell represents experiencing a depth of sorrow. Then an angel emerges from the clouds, lovingly tossing the shell of self-pity down the waterfall. The figure emerges gingerly from the waterfall of change, stepping up into beliefs that reflect a more empowering attitude. Then their higher self sends them healing energy, leading to finally stepping into fully self-actualized power of joy and health!
Existential Journey of Self-Transformation
Original oil painting on canvas, 30” x 40”.
Existential Journey of Self-Transformation
© 2017 Tiffany Davis-Rustam - All Rights Reserved. (Extra large shipment.)Packaged securely for preservation and free shipping included, only to the continental United States.
(International shipping or non-continental U.S. delivery is not included in price, please inquire before purchasing.)11" x 14" prints available in Shop link.
Other size prints available upon request.